Leadership Skills for Department Chairs, Directors, and Other Interested Parties

This four day series will focus on leadership skills for directors, assistant principals, department chairs, or team leads.  How do you inspire people to do their best work?   How do you lead with your strengths? How do you manage multiple personalities?  How do you deal with conflict in a productive way? How do you deal with team dysfunction?

Participants will receive course materials and resources to enhance their  leadership skills. 

Learn effective research-based leadership skills that improve communication, productivity, and personal job satisfaction.  This series explores the challenges of leadership roles beyond the scope of the campus principal.  Participation will receive four books which include: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Ideal Team Player, both by Patrick Lencioni, Meetings Suck by Cameron Herold, and Crucial Accountability by Kerry Patterson. 

Practical and relevant leadership skills will be shared with all participants as well as real time problem- solving for issues that arise. 


Campus and District Administrators, Directors, Department Chairs, Team Leaders
Albert Felts, Miya Brevard, Angela Isenberg, Cheryl Myers, Linda Kutach, Mary Black
Leadership, Administration/Leadership, Migrant Education Program, Behavior and Discipline, Strategic Instruction Model (SIM), CTE: Career & Technical Education, Federal and State Programs
3 - Learning Environment, T-TESS 4 - Professional Practices and Responsibilities, T-TESS 3.1 - Learning Environment: Classroom Environment, T-TESS Routines and Procedures

CPE Credits: 24.00  
Registration Closes: 11/10/2016 12:00 pm
Region 13 ESC
5701 Springdale Rd.
Austin, TX 78723