Spring 2025: Texas School-Based OT & PT Webinar Series
Online, On-Demand Recording
3.00 CPE Credits  

In collaboration with Apply EBP, Region 13 presents the Spring 2025: Texas School-based OT & PT Webinar series! 

This series will give you access to two on-demand webinars that you can view at your own pace. The first webinar is required, while the second is your choice. Below is a list of the options for this year's webinar series.

Webinar 1 (required): Assessing School Participation

Webinar 2: Choose one of the following options...

  • Neurodiversity-Affirming Tools and Strategies

  • Boost Impact of OT, PT, ST for children with ADHD

  • Functional Intervewntions for CP

  • Positioning Strategies to Promote School Participation for Students with Complex Disabilities

  • 4 Steps of Implementing a Life Skills Program

Access Codes

You will recieve an access code to view your webinars once you register. Email Amanda Tucker (amanda.tucker@esc13.txed.net) if you need assistance.

Once you activiate the codes on Apply EBP's website, you will have 60 days to view the webinar. If access expires before you complete the webinar, email us so we can assist you. 

Access codes expire on July 31st, 2025


  • For PTs & PTAs: Apply EBP is a TPTA approved provider of CEUs in Texas (APS #: 2703055TX)
  • For OTs & OTAs: Apply EBP is an AOTA approved provider of CEUs


Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, COTAs, PTAs
Apply EBP
Special Education, Related Services
4 - Professional Practices and Responsibilities, T-TESS
Online, On-Demand Recording

CPE Credits: 3.00  
Registration Closes: Fri. 07/25/2025 - 12:00AM CDT