TExES Review: Special Education 101
Online Course, Self-directed
6.00 CPE Credits  

This course is for new or experienced teachers who wish to gain more information on Special Education. This course will introduce you to the ARD and IEP processes, as well as the disabilities and placements of students with disabilities. The objectives of this course align with competencies found in TExES Special Education Standards I, II, III, IV, V –. The participant will be able to:

  • Understand a brief history of Special Education and the implications that history and legislation has in shaping Special Education today

  • Identify the six steps to developing an individualized education program (IEP) for each student with disabilities

  • Describe the roles the IEP team fills

  • Create goals and objectives needed in IEPs

Specialty Area Certification, Educator Certification Program (ECP), Special Education
Online Course, Self-directed

CPE Credits: 6.00  
Registration Closes: Tue. 02/11/2025 - 8:04PM CST
Starts: Fri. 01/27/2023 - 12:00AM CST